Friday, April 29, 2016

UKMSC : 6th Appointment

10:46 AM

Minggu ke 32.
Appointment lagi.
Dah kerap. Masuk 2 minggu sekali.

Kali ni dari pagi ibu n ayah berkampung di UKMSC.
Pagi lagi dah sampai. Dalam pukul 8pagi.
Terus naik atas. Bagi kertas yang ada tulis utk minum air gula.
Mujur orang tak ramai lagi.
Utk minum air gula ni, ibu kena puasa dari pukul 10mlm lagi.
So, kena pujuk baby utk bersabar sbb ibu tak makan.

Memula kena ambik darah sebelum minum air gula.
Lps tu baru minum air gula.
Oh. Takde la banyak sangat kena minum.
Satu cup tu je. Paper cup.
Dan, idak la teruk nau rasanya.
Walau takde perisa, tapi rasa okay je.
Likat manis. Biasa lah.

Okay ja.
Ibu minum sampai abis.
Tapi, lps tu mmg ada rasa pening2.
Mungkin sbb perut kita kosong kan.
Then kena tunggu sampai 2jam lagi utk ambik darah semula.
Pun tak boleh makan lagi.
Ibu rilek2 je dgn ayah. Ayah pun taknak turun breakfast.
Dia tunggu dgn ibu.
Tepat kul 10.15 (ibu kena minum air gula pukul 8.15), ayah gitau nurse utk ambik darah sekali lagi.
Masa ni orang dah ramai. Kena cepat. Kalau tak kang, langsung lambat.

So, terus ambik darah.

Lepas tu boleh gi makan.
Turun kantin - makan. Makan nasik terus.
Lps tu naik balik atas.
Panas aih nak duk bawah.
Naik atas, lepak2 jap. Pastu ibu nak tidur kat surau. Ayah pi solat Jumaat.
Kul 2 baru ibu masuk balik klinik. Kad dah tinggal dah awai2.

Dalam 2.45ptg, jumpa doktor.
Doktor cakap, mmg ibu kena ceaser lah.

Scan baby dulu. 
Berat baby dah 2.3kg. Wah.. ibu suka. Ibu suka.

Patut lah ibu dah rasa berat. Hihi.
Lps tu doktor tunjuk muka baby. Dah embam embam lah anak ibu ni.
Doktor suruh pilih date utk ceaser.
Memula doktor nak bagi 6.6.16
Tapi tu kan 1st day puasa.
So, ibu n ayah pilih 1.6.16.
Wah. Sebok nak date cantik2 je kan. Hihi.

Oh. Result air gula ibu.
Okay je.
Sebelum minum air gula, bacaannya 3. Selepas 7.
Doktor kata okay.
Yey. Ibu boleh makan aiskrim lagi (mmg pun balik tu terus singgah McD beli sundae coklat. Ngeee).

Sebulan lagi ibu n ayah nak jumpa baby. Kan?
Can't wait.. tapi ibu nak baby duduk rilek2 dalam perut ibu dulu tau.
Happy2 je makan apa ibu makan. Hihi.
Appointment settle dalam pukul 3 lebih.
Terus balik rumah. Penat dah.
Lps ni appointment 17hb May. Sbb doktor takde 13hb.
Mungkin last la kot before ibu jumpa baby. Wiii....

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

33 Weeks

10:40 AM

Penghujung April sudah.
Makin berdebar ibu.
33 minggu.
Minggu yang ibu rasa ibu makin membesar. Huhu.
Berat ibu dah cecah 57kg iaitu melepasi 10kg dari berat sebelum pregnant.

Ini lah 1st time ibu berat lebih dari 50kg.
Tapi, ibu tak kesah. Itu tandanya baby membesar dengan sihat. Kan?
Waktu tidur mmg susah nak berkalih tempat.
Kalau ibu dah mengiring ke kanan tu, kanan je lah.

Baby tak suka eh kalau ibu mengiring ke kiri.
Baby pun terkadang aktif sesangat.
Ibu suka. Kalau baby senyap tu yg ibu risau.

29hb ada appointment.
Kena minum air gula.
Ni nanti ibu story lain.

Minggu ni okay2 saja.
Ada cuti hujung minggu 3 hari.
Isnin tu cuti hari pekerja.

Opis ni je kadang buat hal. Dengan aircond rosak lah apa lah.
Takpe lah. Ini dugaan namanya. Ibu kena bersabar demi baby ibu. Kan?
Love u sayang :)

Perkembangan baby ibu.

How your baby's growing

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark (about the size of a pineapple). He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
33 weeks: Your baby is about the size of a pineapple
Skin: Your baby's skin is becoming less red and wrinkled.

Skull: Your baby's skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. This will help him ease out of your relatively narrow birth canal.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

32 weeks

9:51 AM

32 weeks.
Kalau ikut kiraan bulan dah masuk 8 bulan.
Tapi, kalau ikut kiraan pregnant, belum 8 bulan lagi kan.
Tak kesah lah apa pun. Yang penting, ibu harap baby ibu membesar dgn sihat dalam tu.

Ibu cuti masa hari Rabu.
Sbb nak mangkit pagi tu rasa cam malas.
So, cakap kat ayah - ibu nak cuti. Hihi.

Pastu asyik lah krem kaki ja.
Ibu rasa ibu dah berat sgt kot.
Eh. Baby jgn terasa hati sbb buat ibu berat plak tau.
Ibu yg berat sendiri nih.
Berat baby kan baru 1.5kg (minggu ni dah 1.5++ lah kot kan).

Hari Ahad (24.4.2016), kita buat photoshoot.

Wah. Hari panas berdenting baby.. mujur lah dah tak jerebu sgt.
Tapi, kepanasan mmg tik tik tik berpeluh.

Thank u baby for ur cooperation.
Walau kena jalan sana sini, baby okay ja kan.
Mula tu, mmg rasa penat dan sakit kaki.
Pastu bila ibu dah tidur seharian, esoknya ... 

wow.. rasa sihat dan ringan plak.
Mungkin sbb ibu tak selalu exercise selama ni.

Hurm. Exercise mmg baik utk ibu mengandung.
Ibu je yg asik malas.

Perkembangan baby minggu ni.

How your baby's growing

By now, your baby weighs 3 3/4 pounds (about the size of a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. She'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
32 weeks: Your baby is about the size of a jicama

Hair: Some babies have a full head of hair by this point; others have only peach fuzz.

Toenail: Your baby's fingernails and toenails have now grown in.

Uterus: With your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and putting pressure on your abdomen, you may be dealing with heartburn more often or feeling a little short of breath.

Terima kasih baby sbb sgt bekerjasama dengan ibu selama baby dalam perut ibu.
Baby mmg behave.

Cuma kadang2 je waktu nak tidur tu.. ibu susah je nak kalih2.
Tapi takpe. Demi baby, ibu sanggup je.

Jangan risau :)

Friday, April 15, 2016

UKMSC : 5th Appointment

3:04 PM 0 Comments
15.4.2016 - Jumaat.

Ibu ada appointment lagi.
Cam biasa, ayah pergi solat - ibu tunggu ja kat atas.
Nurse kata awal sampai.
Ye lah, senang kalau settle awal2.
Dalam kul 2.45 ibu dapat jumpa doktor.
Kali ni ibu bawak report dari klinik Dr Hamid.
Tempat ibu buat laparoskopi dulu tu.
Tapi, takde plak doktor notes yg ibu boleh bersalin normal ke tak.
Jadi, doctor advise ibu bersalin ceaser.
If bersalin ceaser, doktor kata ready je lah dalam minggu ke 38.

Pastu scan baby.
Doktor tgk yg 4D punya.
Nampak baby.
Rasa nak panggil je baby.
Kang doktor kata apa lak. Hihi.
Omey omey embam dah anak ibu ni.
Keep growing sayang.

Pastu tanya doktor cemana nak ilangkan krem kaki ni.
Doktor tunjuk exercise sket.
Alah, tak mahu nya nak exercise bagai kalau dah sakit2 tu.
Yang pasti try luruskan kaki - nanti elok lah dia.

Kul 3.15 camtu settle.
Ibu gi solat zohor.
Then kami pergi Sogo.
Nak tambah lagi sket baju baby.
Itu je lah cerita jumpa doktor utk minggu ni.

Lagi 2 minggu ibu jumpa lagi doktor utk minum air gula plak.
Itu nampaknya dari pagi smpai petang lah ibu berkampung kat spital. Huhu.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

31 Weeks

2:59 PM

Makin hujung makin pantas pula rasa masa berlalu.
Sedar sedar dah lebih 30minggu.
Tinggal beberapa minggu je lagi.

Hari Khamis ibu kena pergi taklimat di JPA.
Taklimat sempena pekeliling baru.
Orang ramai sgt. Tapi, kata pun rezeki ibu mengandung kan.
Ibu dapat naik lif senang, dapat duduk area belakang2.
Senang ibu nak ke tandas.
Tapi.. anak ibu ni bergerak aktif sgt dalam dewan tu.
Naper? Baby rimas eh orang ramai2 ?
Ke baby lapau?

Hari Jumaat appoinment dengan doktor Kadir lagi.
Nanti ibu cerita entry khas yang pasal tu.
Yang penting anak ibu dah 1.5kg.
Lepas tu appointment terus pergi Sogo.
Makan, pastu beli baju baby sket lagi.
Rasa macam tak cukup je.

Beli 5 pasang.

Hari Sabtu n Ahad.
Ibu memerap je kat rumah.
Penat plak rasa nak keluar.
Tapi, Ahad petang tu ada juga keluar.

Minggu ni kerap juga ibu kena simpul mengkarung.
Adehhh.. agaknya sbb baby makin besar kan.
Takpe.. untuk anak ibu, ibu sakit sket pun takpe.

Meh tgk perkembangan baby ibu.

How your baby's growing

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3 1/3 pounds (about the size of a coconut) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

31 weeks: Your baby is about the size of a coconut
Fat: Your baby is accumulating a layer of fat under his skin. As a result, his legs, arms, and torso are filling out.

Uterus: You may have noticed the muscles in your uterus tightening now and then. These are Braxton Hicks contractions and it's common to feel them in the second half of your pregnancy.

Anak ibu dah semakin membesar.
Terus membesar ya sayang.
Ibu n ayah tak sabar tau nak tunggu baby.
Tapi, biar lah baby cukup term. Hihi.
Duduk dulu dalam perut ibu .. tendang2 pun tak pe.. ibu suka ja.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

30 Weeks

9:05 AM

Minggu ke 30.
Hari ni juga genap setahun dari tarikh ibu buat umrah last year.
Terima kasih Allah kerana bagi peluang pada ibu, ayah n opah untuk berdoa di tempat paling mustajab.
Dan doa kami dimakbulkan.

Hari Rabu tu ibu MC.
Ibu tak larat dok ofis. Panas giler dah rasa nak pitam. Econ rosak.
Esuknya terus ibu pergi klinik dan ambik MC.
Bukan nak ambil kesempatan. Dari kita tak selesa, baik kita rehat2 kat rumah. Kan?

Berat ibu minggu ni masih dalam lingkungan 55kg++
Baby pun aktif tendang2 ibu.
Ibu suka. Takpe. Itu maknanya baby aktif dalam tu.
Esp kalau pagi, ibu lambat breakfast mesti awak marah. Huhu.

Pastu waktu ibu nak balik keja dalam kul 5ptg tu.
Then waktu maghrib. 
Ni time baby sgt aktif.
Tapi, ibu tak  nampak pun perut jadi gelombang2.
Perut ibu tebal ke kaki baby tecik sgt ni. Hihi.

Perkembangan baby ibu

How your baby's growing

Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds (about the size of a large cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will shrink as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

30 weeks: Your baby is about the size of a large cabbage

Amniotic fluid: A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds your baby. That volume will peak over the next few weeks and then decrease as your baby gets bigger and fills out your uterus.

Eye: Your baby is able to distinguish between light and dark. At birth, her vision will be about 20/400, which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.

Uterus: As your uterus grows, your balance will be off and you may feel clumsy.


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