Friday, March 16, 2012

BBT : Feb-Mac

10:00 AM 6 Comments
Alangkah seronoknya kalo graph maintain tinggi. esp pada hari2 yg sepatutnya nak period kan.

In case of pregnancy, the average high temperature is also the day of the alleged arrival of menstruation and in some cases could be further increased by determining the so-called triphasic pattern of pregnancy.
Sumber : mikados

Tapi bulan ni graph tak menjadi sebagaiman diharapkan. Bertahan beberapa hari dgn suhu tinggi. Sedih. Sbb rasa bulan ni cam berusaha gigih. Cukup dgn BBT setiap hari (kecuali masa gi course,duk kat hotel n balik kg tu ari), minum Anmum lagi. BD pun time2 'peak season' tu ada juga. Idak la hehari. Selang sehari tu ada. 
Dan sehingga hari ni, pada CD28, graph dah menurun. Ya... sabarlah menunggu makcik itu.

Ini graph aku melalui FF
Aku gunakan celcius instead of Fahrenheit sbb trus je baca dari termometer BBT aku tu. Takde kuawasa nak convert2 dah.

Sedih dan sadis sungguh.
Cuma dari bacaan aku pada artikel mikados tu, terselit sedikit harapan

The temperature can be influenced by several factors:
- Colds, fevers, flu;
- Use of drugs or hormones such as progesterone;
- Vaginal infections;
- Alcoholic beverages;
- Use a different thermometer in the same cycle;
- Measurement in different time.

Kerana smlm aku ada makan ubat tahan sakit n kurangkan  bengkak kaki. Ada ke sbb tu suhu jadi rendah. Hehe. Sekadar menenangkan hati. Tp aku tau, AF tu mmg akan datang tak lama lagi. Tak esuk, lusa. AF aku tu sgt sgt berdisplin. Genap 28hari pasti menjenguk, atau kalo flight dia 'delay', ari ke30 dia gembira menjenguk. Tak pernah sekali pun buat hal. Maka, bersabar lah. Allah tahu apa terbaik utk kita. Walo hati sering tertanya, apa penyebabnya.

Ya Allah berilah kami peluang untuk menjadi ibu dan bapa, berilah kami peluang untuk kami mendidik anak(anak), berilah peluang agar kami mendapat doa dari anak-anak kami apabila kami tiada di dunia kelak. Namun ku pohon keredhaan dari mu Ya Allah, jika ini lah yang terbaik untuk kami pada masa ini. 
Amin Ya Rabbal alamin.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Selamat Datang Dan Salam Perkenalan

8:00 AM 3 Comments
Hari ke hari mmg ada je pembaca baru dlm blog ni. Samada yg terus follow mahupun sekadar singgah mendapatkan maklumat.
Saya ucapkan selamat datang dan salam perkenalan.
Terima kasih kerana sudi menjenguk blog saya ni.

Tapi, saya nak bagitau, (pada yg baru-baru ni lah, yg dah lama baca/follow mungkin dah tau), yg saya jarang "berinteraksi" dlm ni. Jadi, kalo tgk komen2 tak dibalas tu jangan marah ya.
Biasanya saya hanya membuat entry saja dlm blog ni. Jarang balas komen, jarang juga membuat kunjungan balas ke blog2 lain. Tp jgn risau, kalo ada masa terluang, saya berkunjung juga lah ke blog lain2 tu.


Sehari hari mmg saya meluangkan masa kat 'kebun stoberi' saya.
Kat sana saya lebih byk berinteraksi sesama rakan2 yg berkunjung. Membuat kunjungan balas dsbnya.
Kat sini sekadar meluahkan perasaan, share info-info berkaitan TTC. Sbb kat 'kebun stoberi' saya, saya tak bleh buat camtu sbb viewer ada pelbagai. 

maaf jika ada kunjungan yg tak terbalas.
Walau apa pun, kunjungan anda sgt2 saya hargai.
Doa saya, kita akan beroleh rezeki zuriat tu.
Jangan putus asa, dan jangan sesekali rasa ini adalah kekurangan kita.
Kita istimewa, kerana diberikan 'dugaan' ini.

Sekuntum rose khas buat pembaca tersayang :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baby's First Year Record Book

5:00 PM 3 Comments

Yang dulu aku tak beli sbb cam poyo plak kan. Kali ni beli je. Lantak la poyo pun kan. Huhu.
Tp last year, masa Pesta Buku ada la beli gak yg ala-ala camni. BM punya la tapi.

RM37.50. Lps tu guna point yg ada, aku bayar RM12.50 sahaja. Harus la beli. Huhu. 
So, kengkawan.. mari kita beli. Bleh tgk kat sini - Milkadeal - kalo tingin nak beli gak. Teeheee.

Naluri Keibuan

12:00 PM
Sedih kan.
Bila kita bercerita perihal isu isu berkaitan anak ni, termasuk la anak hilang, anak ditimpa musibah, anak didera di rumah pengasuh, pasti orang tak mahu terima pendapat kita.

Dan yg kononnya penuh naluri keibuan tu akan mula menceritakan perihal segala pengalaman dia, yg kononnya tak berapa nak ada naluri ibu, lps tu rasa menyesal, dan mula ada naluri ibu.

Mungkin dia tak maksudkan.
Tp aku org TTC. Org TTC mmg sensitip.
Lantak kau nak andaikan apa ttg cerita kau.

Tp aku tetap andaikan yg ko mengejek 'kau apa tau, ko takde anak, ko ada pengalaman anak sakit bla bla bla bla'
Begitu tegar bercerita perihal 'naluri' la sangat.

Ye lah.... aku ni la buta tuli.
Kau ada, aku takde. 
Tak bleh andai kan itu ini.
Aku takde hak nak bagi pendapat tentang 'naluri ibu' ni sbb aku tak penah jadi ibu.

Takpe lah. Dipersilakan lah berlagak dgn naluri yg ada.
Jgn lupa semua tu anugerah Allah.
Kalo sekali ditarik balik semula.
Menangis air mata darah pun tak guna.
Bukan mendoakan, tp kalo orang camni yg asik nak berlagak dgn 'anugerah' dan 'naluri' dia tau patut la diberi peringatan sket.


Monday, March 12, 2012

12 DPO

10:00 AM 2 Comments
Suhu masih tinggi. Tp biasa lah. Normal. Kalo period nati baru dia drop down kan.
Mood swing. Tp baru hari ni.
Mmg swing giler.
Dan ini adalah tanda PMS semestinya.

Mood swings and irritability

Hormonal changes combined with fatigue may cause mood swings and irritability. If you find yourself incredibly crabby this could be a sign of pregnancy. Keep in mind, however, that crabbiness is also a sign of PMS.

Malas nak pikir sgt. Aku andaikan ini adalah sign PMS.
Sgt sgt menyakitkan hati je rasanya.
Geram je rasa. Rasa seme orang menyakitkan hati je.
Rasa kena amik cuti lah.
Cuti sempena PMS.  Seronoknya la kan, kalo ada cuti tanpa rekod utk PMS. Hahaha.

Kut tak seme orang aku rasa menyakitkan hati aku dan membuak2 perasaan 'disgusting' pada orang2 yg aku rasa menyakitkan hati tu.

Crabby? Sama tak ngan crab?? Jadi ketam la kiranya ni. 
Yaih. Mari kita sepit..sepit...


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


3:00 PM 2 Comments

You need to nap
Early in your pregnancy, you'll start feeling very sleepy during the day. High levels of progesterone bring on this sudden craving for naps. Progesterone is a hormone that helps regulate a woman's reproductive cycle. It also makes you drowsy.
The flood of this hormone can make a normal day at work seem as taxing as running a marathon. You may feel so worn out that you think you're coming down with the flu.
Strangely enough, progesterone can disrupt your sleep at night, leading to even more fatigue during the day. All you can do is rest as much as possible and grab a quick catnap whenever you can.

Source : Babycenter

#1. Overall: Fatigue/Exhaustion
Most women experience increased fatigue during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone which can make you feel sleepy. Your body also produces extra blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus, this means your heart needs to work harder. Low blood sugar can also be to blame.

Listen to your body; it is working very hard to create your little one. This symptom has only one cure. If you are tired, then sleep - even if it means going to bed at 8pm or taking small naps during the day.

Avoid stimulants (like caffeine, these can be harmful in high doses), get lots of rest (cut back on extra responsibilities if needed, at least until the second trimester), eat a balanced healthy diet (be sure to get enough protein and iron) and get regular exercise (even just walking 30 minutes a day will help). 

Malas nak pikir lelebih walo aku skang ni mmg mengantuk giler. Waktu opis ni pun mengantuk. Balik umah lagi la. Da 2,3 hari dah camni.
Malas nak pikir gak sbb aku dah 2 mggu tak dpt full rest sejak gi course kat Morib tu ari. Sabtu-Ahad asik takde kat umah.
Dan ini akan berterusan sehingga event kat opis aku settle pada 2 April nati.
Adoooi.... tolongggg... mengantukkkk....
Kredit : Here

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Menstrual Cycle : The postovulatory phase

12:30 PM 2 Comments
Most months the egg cell simply dies in the postovulatory phase (after the egg cell is released), the endometrium continues to develop and the uterine glands secrete nutrient materials. 
If the egg cell meets a sperm cell, and that usually happens in the far part of tha fallopian tube, the fertilized egg continues to travel towrds the inside of the uterus. 
That journey takes on average about a week
Once the fertilized egg reaches the inside of the uterus it attaches itself to the uterine lining, a process called 'implantation'. Most women do not feel when implantation happens. If a woman becomes pregnant, the implanted embryo sends out signals to the woman's brain, and her menstrual period cycle will stop. If there is no implantation, hormones drop, the uterine lining can no longer be maintained and the lining of the uterus breaks down, menstrual bleeding begins, and the cycle repeats.

Kredit : here
#Aku rasa skang aku da masuk phase ni.
Tp dah 2 ari ni suhu badan aku tinggi. Tak menjadi lagi la tu.
Hurm. Tkpe lah. Cuba lagi nxt month.
Positif. Positif.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Milk For Pregnant Women

5:00 PM 2 Comments
Sebelum ni tak pernah terai. Berikutan katanya org yg TTC kena minum susu, why not aku terus consume susu yang utk pregnant women kan.

So, aku godek seme brand yg ada untuk pregnant women.
First skali harus la Anmum Materna. The famous amos brand kot.

Anmum Materna™ is especially formulated for women who are pregnant or who are planning for pregnancy. Anmum Materna™ is high in Folate, which is important to maintain the growth and development of the foetus. Delicious tasting Anmum Materna™ also contains Folic Acid, GA, EFA, Folate, FOS, Calcium, Iron & other essential nutrients. It is an ideal supplement that will aid in maintaining the growth and brain development of your unborn child. 

Beria aku sign up utk nak dptkan free sample dia.
Tp dah 2 jam tggu tak smpai pun emel utk activation. Caisss..

Tapi ternampak plak yg ni. Dumex Mamil Mama

Sign up la jugak. Ni mudah. Sign up, trus leh mintak sample. Oke. Done.

Lps tu sign up gak yg ni.

Friso Mum Gold. Tp yg ni dia tak tulis untuk yg nak conceive. Tp aku mintak je free sample. Hihiks.

Ada lagi satu. Tapi yg ni lagi tak mesra TTCians.
If you are searching for the product that can help supplement your nutritional needs during and after your pregnancy, you have come to the right website.

Yg ni dia kata special utk during and after. Oke, ni tak payah mintak free sample. Hihiks.

Tp perlu diingatkan susu ni cam supplemen tambahan la, bkn untuk memudahkan kita pregnant. As kita sedang conceive, maka kandungan dlm susu ni baik la utk keperluan kita kalo kita berjaya mengandung nanti. So, cam badan kita da sedia la utk conceive. Ada asid folic seme, tak perlu la nak telan asid folic tu lagi kan. Aku pun lama da tak telan asid folic tu. Da smpai tak kuasa. So, minum susu ni kira serampang 2,3 mata la. Dpt khasiat susu, khasiat asid folic dsbnya.

So, aku dah pun beli Anmum Materna. Perisa coklat. Masa pegi tu ada org Anmum ni kat situ. Dia siap tnya berapa bulan. Siap rasa cam kecik hati jap. Huhu. Aku ckp aku still TTC. Maka dia kata oke je nak minum pun since Materna ni mmg boleh minum utk kita yg conceive.

Dia ada gak ckp kata suh makan byk protein n bykkan makan togey dlm TTC ni. Yer, protein yaw.. jgn asik nak makan ayam jer. Teheeeee.

Da 3 ari minum. Rasa dia oke la. Cuma kalo bancuh ari sejuk aku cam ada rasa 'geman-geman' sket tekak. Tp kalo air panas sgt pun tak buleh. Dia kena air suam2 je. Oke la. Moga displin lah hendaknya kali ni
 #tadah tangan berdoa agar semangat ini tidak akan luntur. Hahhaa.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sign Of Ovulation

8:00 PM 1 Comments

Typical Signs of ovulation:
Increase in cervical mucous- Cervical mucous will increase before ovulation and right around ovulation you will notice slippery “egg white” looking cervical mucous.

Increased sex-drive- You may be more interested in sex or be more easily aroused around the time of ovulation. Some people believe this is a biologically designed way to ensure reproduction.

Breast tenderness- Some women will notice breast tenderness or other premenstrual symptoms around the time of ovulation.

Bloating and water weight- You may be bloated or retaining water around the time of ovulation.

Swollen vagina or vulva- Your labia or vagina may become full and more sensitive.

Ovulation pain (Mittelschmerz or midpain)- You may feel cramping or achiness around the time of ovulation.

Cervix position is high and soft- If you are checking your cervix it will feel high, soft and more open around the time of ovulation. It will be more difficult to reach during ovulation.

Moodiness or increased energy- You may have mood swings around the time of ovulation. Some women may feel a boost of energy prior to ovulation.

Less common signs of ovulation:
Ovulation spotting - some women notice light spotting around the time of ovulation.

Headaches or nausea - Some women are sensitive to hormonal changes and may have headaches or nausea before ovulation.

Aku pepelik je ni. Sbb graph BBT naik pada CD12. Apakah??? Tak tau lah. Tgk la yer. Ada rezeki ada lah. Tanda2 kat atas tu pun rasa cam takde je. Tp skang ni ada la cam cramp2 sket belah kiri ni. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sperm Life

8:30 AM 1 Comments

Q: How long do sperm live?

A: In general, sperm can live in the right environment for up to 5 days. The right environment would be inside the uterus and the cervix. In certain environments, such as the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes sperm have a life-span of up to five days. That's why a woman can get pregnant if they ovulate within 5 days after intercourse.

Most sperm, however will die within 1-2 days after ejaculation, even inside the uterus. In other environments, such as the vagina, sperm live only a few hours and outside the human body, exposed to the open air, they will usually die within minutes. 

The egg, on the other hand, has a life-span of only about 12-24 hours at most from the time it bursts from the ovary. So, fertilization can occur anytime live sperm meet up with a live egg, which can happen even if the sperm are deposited up to five days in advance of ovulation.

Source : Babymed


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