Friday, December 27, 2013

Disember 2013 : Cycle Day

3:15 PM
Assalamualaikum TTC'ian...
Lama tak menulis di sini kan. Kekangan masa mungkin. Atau pun mmg mahu merilekkan minda seketika dari berpikir berkaitan TTC.

CD bulan ni - 10.12.2013
Lama dah  berlalu. 
3 hari lagi before usia perkahwinan kami menginjak 5 tahun.
4 hari lagi before usia saya pula menginjak 34 tahun.
Siapa tak sedih hoi. Sangat sedih.
Ingatkan ada lah hadiah bermakna tahun ni.
Mmg kali ni emosi hebat.
Mencurah perasaan pada seseorang di what's up.
Terima kasih dik, kerana meminjamkan 'mata' utk membaca keluh kesah akak.

Entah la.
Bukan la berputus asa. Tapi mungkin kerana tidak mahu menjalani IUI Januari ni, jadi perasaan rasa ter sepit. Ampunkan dosa ku Ya Allah.
Sewaktu mengemas terjumpa semula artikel yg pernah di print.
Pertama yg Ustazah tu tulis 'jangan berprasangka buruk dengan Allah'.
Oh. Aku hampir ber prasangka buruk dengan Allah.
Istigfar. Mengucap.

Lupakah apa yg telah Allah kurniakan selama ini.
Bukan kah itu juga rezeki.

*raup muka*

Entah. Kekadang kita juga tewas dalam ujian ini.
Terkadang kita rasa kita putus asa.

Sampai bila Allah nak uji ni?
Rendahnya diri bila duduk berbual di kalangan orang yg beranak kecil.
Ni nak bukak sekolah ni, lagi lah. Sana sini up gmbr hantar anak.
Haruskah di deactivate FB tu?

IUI. Dr Hamid dah pesan, if masih tak mengandung, Januari ni mmg kena go for IUI.
Kali ni memang terpaksa pasrah.

*secara purata CD length tahun ni memang antara 27-28 days. Lewat pun 2,3 hari. Betul, makcik itu mmg teratur dan displin kehadirannya. Bersyukur lah. Kerana ada orang lain, bertahun tak didatangi makcik itu.

All image : Google

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 2013 : CD1

3:38 PM
Nampaknya blog ni dah jadi kalendar tp mengira CD aku plak ha.
Ampun maaf dipinta la sbb blog terabai sungguh.

Tak sempat nak update pasal TTC bulan nih.
Cepat betul masa berlalu.
Now dah nak ujung November.

So, bulan ni CD agak panjang. 28 days (konon dah berharap lambat la terus.. idak mau nyer.. tak di bagi nunggu lama pun... pepagi dah say 'hye' )
14.11.2013 (1 month to my bufday and anniversary).

Takpe lah. Redha.

Mar kata, at least kita period. Ada orang tak period bertahun.

Yer. Baik.
Mmg skrg ni pun dah tukar doa. Instead of doa diberi zuriat, baik doa utk belajar redha dengan ujian ni sbb Allah lebih tahu apa terbaik utk kita.

Dia belum nak bagi sbb Dia tahu, belum masa lagi..jadi, biar lah kita belajar redha.
Bila Dia tahu kita bersedia, masa tu dia akan bagi... Insyaallah.

Allah tu sayang kita, sbb tu di pilih kita untuk ujian ni.
Ada orang rasa dia paling bertuah dalam dunia.
Takde masalah.
Subur, anak berderet, kerja bagus.
Tapi, tanpa sedar sebenarnya itu pun ujian.
Janngan sesekali terus mendongak ke langit. Dan berbesar hati kerana tak pernah rasa kesedihan dan kekecewaan.
Kerana takut, orang yg berada di bawah ni terguris hati, kita pula satu hari terduduk terus.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oktober 2013 : CD1

1:30 PM
17 Okt 2013 (Khamis) - CD1. Againnnnnnnnnn...........
Ya Allah. Sampai bila *meraup muka*
Entah lah. Pujuk hati ini. Allah belum nak bagi kerana Dia lebih tahu apa terbaik utk kita.

Mengadu nasib dengan rakan yang memahami *hugs utk beliau*

Tetiba dalam duk bersedih sedih tetiba keluar ayat lawak.

"Nak beli kereta baru lah cemni. Nak reward diri. Honda Accord boleh?"
"Boleeehhh..Honda best. Dulu mak usu & pak usus saya 8 tahun kawen takde anak. Dah buat semua. Lps beli kereta honda, dia mengandung"

Hahahahha. Tak terpecah ketawa dibuatnya.

Baru nak sedih sbb dia bagi ayat ni "Allah nak dekat kita dekat dgn Dia. Allah nak kita mohon dengan Dia selalu. Sebab Allah sayang kita. Allah nak kita rapat dengan Dia"
Sekali kuar citer pasal keta Honda terus cam nak gelak guling-guling. Hihi.

Entah lah. Ada hikmah tersembunyi. Yang hanya Allah yang tahu.
Dulu, saya rasakan 5 tahun itu terlalu lama tempohnya utk orang takde anak. Tp kini, 2 bulan lagi perkahwinan kami menginjak ke angka 5. Derasnya masa berlalu. Syukur ya Allah, walau tak diberi peluang menjadi ibu, tapi memberi saya teman hidup yang amat memahami saya. Yang tak pernah sekali pun memarahi saya. Yang tak pernah mengeluh melayan kerenah saya. Syukur ya Allah ditemukan dengan lelaki sebaik dia (ada hikmahnya saya tak pernah 'jadi' dengan teman2 sebelum itu). Jadi, sekarang, sabar lah. Allah nak bagi yg terbaik. Itu janji Allah.

p/s : sering dengar ceramah Ustaz Kazim. Katanya, nak minta sesuatu, bangun sembahyang malam. Jangan berputus asa. Ini yang masih belum saya buat lagi. Moga ada istiqamah untuk mencubanya lepas habis period nanti.

takde la nak beli honda accord pun. Kalau beli juga, mungkin kami akan buat lauk tayar goreng tepung sbb takde duit dah nak beli ayam sbb duit dah bayo honda accord je. Kihkihkih.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Mengapa Dan Grateful

5:48 PM
Sebenarnya, nukilan ini telah ditulis dan di publish di blog 'sebelah'. Namun, aku tak punya kekuatan di sana. Rasa sebal, rasa sebu, rasa sebak, rasa kecewa dan bermacam rasa lagi ada bila di tulis di sana. Ada yg terus meng emel. Mengulang kata 'bersabar..bersabar'. Entah. Bukan membenci dengan ayat bersabar itu, tp jangan buat aku seolah tak pernah bersabar. 5 tahun. Bukan 5 hari mahupun 5 bulan. Itu pun sebenarnya masih terlalu kecil jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang 10 tahun, 15 tahun. Jadi, usah katakan bersabar pada kami, kerana Insyaallah, selagi kalimah Allah sentiasa berada di hati, kami tetap akan bersabar. Kerana Allah tahu kami boleh bersabar maka diberiNya ujian ini. Namun, jika mahu juga dengan ayat bersabar, tulis lah "teruskan bersabar wahai teman" Bukan kah lebih manis...


Hari ni, nak share blog, yg pada aku, sangat menusuk ke kalbu bila membacanya. Menulis dari hati yang dapat aku rasai perasaan mereka. Kerana aku juga dari 'kasut' yang sama. Semangat mereka perlu dijadikan contoh. Tak kira, apa bangsa dan agama, kepercayaan segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya adalah amat perlu dalam melalui dugaan ini.

Antara petikan dari entry mereka.

Blog 1 :
Mengapa Saya Ingin Zuriat by Dirasalju

Terus terang, untuk memiliki anak kecil ini  yang bernama Durr Awatif, bukanlah satu perkara yang mudah. Tapi keyakinan yang tinggi pada Allah, akhirnya doa saya dimakbulkan.  Saya minta pada Allah dengan sesungguh-sungguhnya dan Allah mendengar doa hambaNya ....Tidak pernah saya lupa sekali pun untuk berdoa pada Allah kerana saya sangat yakin Allah mendengar doa saya. Saya selalu mendengar ceramah Ustaz yang Allah suka pada rayuan hambanya. Adakalanya saya merayu sampai menangis kerana inginkan cahaya mata.
Pernah satu ceramah agama yang saya dengar, ustazah ke ustaz yang bagi ceramah tu, saya lupa. Tapi dalam ceramahnya ada mengatakan, pernah tak kita bertanya kepada diri kita sendiri KENAPA SAYA INGIN ZURIAT.....??

Blog 2 :
Why I'm Grateful for Endometriosis by foodie4healing

See, having endometriosis has given me so much. Without this disease, I wouldn’t be who I am today. And, I like me. 

I am strong. Because of endometriosis.
I am courageous. Because of endometriosis.
I am a fighter. Because of endometriosis.
I will never take my children for granted. Because of endometriosis.
I will never take my friends, family and husband for granted. Because of endometriosis.
I will always have a heart for those suffering with infertility. Because of endometriosis.
I will never take my physical health for granted again. Because of endometriosis.
I lead a healthy lifestyle. Because of endometriosis.
But, probably the most important thing that endometriosis has given me, is my relationship with God.
See, 2 years ago, I was ready to walk away from Him because of this disease.
But, He showed up for me, in a very big way. And He has continued to.

Utk blog kedua, memang lah penulis ni bukan org Islam, tp semangat dia dan dia tahu apa terjadi ada hikmahnya. Sebagai TTC'ian, mmg semangat dan kekuatan lah kita perlukan.

Aku juga tahu, kami antara yang terpilih utk melalui dugaan ni. Terpilih kerana Allah tahu yg kami boleh melaluinya.
5 tahun pada sesetengah orang satu jangka masa yang lama. Betul lah tu. Kalau rezeki aku awal dulu, hampir nak hantar anak ke taska dah sekarang ni.
Tapi, perancangan Allah itu Maha Hebat. Siapa kita nak melawan perancanganNya.
Memang aku akui, sedikit demi sedikit, kami (aku dan suami) tahu kenapa Allah belumkan kurniakan rezeki anak kepada kami.
Sentiasa ingat perancangan Allah itu yang terbaik.
Tapi dalam masa yang sama, Allah mahu kita (TTC) terus berdoa.. berdoa dan berdoa. Saya pasti... sepasti pastinya, most of d TTCian, semakin dekat dgn Allah... sentiasa mengingati Allah (tp sahabat yang bukan dari golongan TTCian jangan pula mencebik dan mengatakan 'eleh...macam dia je la ingat Tuhan... org lain tak'. Jangan.. jangan sesekali mengandaikan begitu. Masing2 ada dugaan sendiri. Sama-sama kita berdoa).
Cuma satu aku perlu pikirkan kembali. Sebagaimana persoalan dalam entry Dirasalju. Mengapa saya ingin zuriat? Jawapan itu perlu aku perbetulkan. Dan aku harap, aku dapat conceive natural. Sungguh.... mmg kalau boleh aku tak mahu lalui proses IUI. Dan aku ada 3 bulan utk berdoa bersungguh sungguh, berusaha dan seterusnya yakin.

Utk sahabat tersayang yang turut sama membaca, dengan rasa rendah hati, aku mohon sekiranya tidak keberatan, dan sekiranya sudi, doakan lah agar aku tak perlu lalui proses IUI ini. Dan doakanlah kami semua yang sedang berusaha dikurniakan rezeki terindah itu. Aminn... Insyaallah.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Klinik Dr Hamid : Appointment Lagi

9:29 PM
Lama tak update di sini. Apa cerita, nama cerita. Hohoho.

Pasal operation laps pun tak abis rupanya. Acena?
Hari ni berapa hb?
17 September 2013.

Appointment di klinik Dr Hamid. Selepas 3 bulan masih tidak berjaya pregnant. Huhu.
Ekceli dah 3 cycle period pun. Bulan Jun, Julai, Ogos. Ni kira dah masuk cycle ke empat.
Call hari Khamis lepas, terus dapat date hari ni. Mudah je kalo kita mmg dah ada rekod. Yg lambat sket tu utk dapatkan appoinment utk lawatan yg pertama. Don't worry ya. If dapat date tu, book je sbb mungkin, kalo ada rezeki kita, di awalkan appointment kita :)

Berpergian lah kami ke sana. Minta half day pada boss.
Kali ni cam pelik sbb sampai je orang tak ramai.
If not.. beratur ha, dpn pintu walau pintu masih berkunci.
So, jadi lah orang ketiga yang berjumpa doktor.
Ni adalah visit kedua slps operation.
Yg pertama 4 Jun (tk igt adakah dah buat entry or not).

Doc suruh buat TVS. Takut giler kot. Takut kot mendasing tu bertandang lagi.
Namun... Alhamdulillah... takde apa2 keganjilan. Syukur Ya Allah.
[yg buat TVS ni Dr Aimy yer.. Doc Hamid just tgk kat monitor je]
Lps tu Doc tanya, nak buat IUI ke cemana.
Tapi sy minta nak try natural dulu.
After 3 month doc kata datang balik. Then proceed IUI.
Sy plan bulan Januari je lah.
Lagipun awal bulan Januari dah ada program bercuti [heh! dulu pun camtu lah. Prog ke HK, pastu postponed, pastu terussss tak muncul2.. harap2 tidak lah kali ni. Haha].

Jadi, demikian lah appmt kali ini.
Dibekalkan dengan pelbagai vitamin.
Doc tak bagi pun any ubat subur. Sbb kata Doc, dia hanya akan bagi kalau saya nak proceed IUI. Katanya lagi, takut 'mendasing' tu tumbuh balik. Errkk... boleh ke..? Takutnya. So, hingga ke saat ini mmg saya tak pernah consume any clomid ke hapa tu ye.. sejak dari LPPKN smpai la ke Prof Dr. Hamid Arshat. 

Apa pun, syukur pada Allah, mendasing tu dah takde lagi.
Bersungguh menjaga makan.. tak sentuh langsung fast food. Asyik dengan juicing, makan sayur, makan buah. Alhamdulillah.. Ya Allah.

Doaku, moga ada rezeki dalam 3 bulan ni Ya Allah... moga ada miracle buat kami.
Kos treatment setakat ini di klinik Dr. Hamid [kos ini bergantung kepada permasalahan dan treatment nya. Mungkin ada perbezaan]
1st visit- RM337 - 19.4.2013
Laparoscopy - RM6,500 (buat di klinik Dr. Hamid) - 22.5.2013
Post operation appointment - RM79 - 4.6.2013
After 3 month appointment - RM219 - 17.9.2013

Kos ini adalah termasuk kos vitamin, kos TVS (kalau buat TVS), consultation fee.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ogos-Sept 2013 : CD1

5:41 PM
4 ari awal dari biasa.
Ahad. 25 Ogos.
Mujo sempat selesaikan ibadah puasa (ganti).
Genap2 selepas 6 hari berpuasa (kebetulan tinggal puasa 6 ari).

Masih belum punya kekuatan nak call klinik.
Bukan takde kekuatan. Malas sebenarnya.
Sedih pun ada.
Usaha keras juga bln ni.
Entah tak tahu mana silapnya.
Tak tahu. Tak tahu. Tak tahu.


Allah lebih mengetahui.
Allah tahu apa yg terbaik.
Jangan mengeluh.

Ini tandanya Allah sayangkan kita.
Allah mahu kita sentiasa ingatkan Dia.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ogos 2013 : CD1

11:10 AM
Genap 3 cycle after laps.
Apa nak kata lagi.. teruskan treatment la gamaknya. Huhu.

CD1 : 31 Julai 2013 (Rabu)
Kali ni terlewat sehari. Biasa genap 28 ari, dia da jengah dah.
Takpun tak nyempat2..27 ari dah taraaaa katanya.
Kali ni 29 ari.
Sajer leteww nak bagi sedikit harapan kan.

Tarik nafas dalam dalam.
Ada sedikit perubahan perlu dilakukan.
Tak boleh berterusan camni.
Terdera rasanya hati dan perasaan.

Apa pun,
Selamat Hari Raya utk semua TTCian's
Jangan sedih utk bertemu sanak dan saudara.
Sebarkan aura positif.. supaya orang lain juga lebih positif..

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Julai 2013 : CD1

5:12 PM
Oh. CD utk Jun takde yea dalam blog ni.

Masa tu still on "confinement". Cewah.
Lps laps, period lambat sket. Mungkin sbb ada perubahan sket kan. Tp lepas tu, dia datang spti biasa. Bulan Jun pada 5 Jun 2013. Kira kira 2 minggu lps laps. Sehari selepas follow up dgn Doc Hamid.

Kira itu cycle pertama selepas laps.
Masa tu period pain agak teruk. Cramp.
Jenuh sapu minyak panas segala. Udah la jaga2 tak bagi kena kat tpt incision tu.

Bulan ini, spti biasa. 27 hari juga cycle.

Takde harap apa pun, sbb lps buat laps, saya agak 'gayat' nak bersama. Hihi.
Ngilu kot, walo doc kata lps 3 minggu atau sebulan nak bersama dah boleh.
Eiiwww... ngilu.... ngilu...
Takpe..toksah rushing rushing lah. Kita ilek dulu.
Lagipun doc kata tu ari "dah nak puasa ni, mana la tau ada rezeki bulan puasa"

Sahabat tu datang menjengah tghari semalam - 2 Julai 2013 -cd1.
Takde spot coklat cam dlu. Terus je bleeding tapi tak byk.
Now on 2nd day, mmg byk. Tapi rasanya ini lah sepatutnya yg berlaku.
Ini lah normal kan. Dahulu, 1st day pun rilek pakai pad jenis slim. Pun kalau sampai petang pun tak kesah. Mmg sikit sgt kan.

Dengan Doc Hamid mmg dia tak bagi any ubat after laps. Dia suruh kita cuba sendiri dalam tempoh 3 bln. If nothing - buat semula appmt. If dah ada - call saja klinik. 
Berdoa je lah kan. Takmo la berharap2 sangat. Kang lagi kecewa.
Yang penting jaga makan jaga kesihatan dan tingkatkan imuniti.

Everyday juicing oke. Hihi.

Diet To Conceive Baby Girl

10:00 AM
Memang la kalau boleh nak sangat baby girl dulu. Tp tak kesah lah kan bila dah lama2 menanti ni. Girl ke boy ke terima saja. Tapi, dah alang2 kita ber diet ni, mari la kita tgk terus diet utk nak dapatkan baby girl. Tapi dari apa yg dibaca, eh..mmg makanan yg tgh duk pulun makan skang ni. Hihi.
Moga2 adalah rezeki kan. Insyallah.

Meh baca. Yg detail klik web ini.
Next time ai share utk conceive baby boy plak yea.

Adopt a vegetable-based meal plan to conceive a girl
Eating 150 grams of fresh vegetables daily is useful in conceiving a baby girl, according to scientists. Besides being rich in magnesium and containing very low amounts of sodium, these products are also low in calories, this being another factor which seems to contribute to having a girl. Women eating around 1500 calories a day are more likely to give birth to girls, as statistical data suggests. 

What to eat to conceive a girl? Carrots, preferably boiled or steamed, fresh onion added in green salad and mixed with tomatoes, turnips and cucumbers, green and red peppers, radishes, eggplants, green beans and peas. Also, asparagus, cress and celery are good alternatives when it comes to finding a good diet to conceive a girl. 

However, for reducing the risks associated with a low-calorie diet in pregnant women, you should not rely on a very strict meal plan consisting only of veggies and fruits, as fibers, proteins and fats are also extremely important for a healthy baby.

Diet to conceive a baby girl – spinach is a must!

A meal plan to conceive a girl should always include spinach as this vegetable is one of the best sources of magnesium a woman can have when trying to have a baby. According to scientists, foods high in this mineral favor egg’s fertilization by female-producing sperm, just like products low in potassium. Fortunately, spinach meets both these criteria so it’s surely a winning choice for having a female baby. 

Still, spinach alone won’t do the entire job so in order to enhance the changes and this mineral’s effect on the vaginal environment, vitamins A and C as well as high amounts of folic acid and iron should also be added to your daily diet. 

By taking these nutrients on a regular basis, you also prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy as all the mentioned compounds are required for the baby’s normal development and growth inside the womb. Still, it’s better to take these minerals from natural sources such as fresh spinach and other green vegetables instead of dietary supplements, when possible, as you need a certain number of calories as well in order to ensure a healthy environment for the future baby.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Detox For Fertility

12:39 PM
One of the most important things to do to promote fertility is to detox your body. Detoxifying your body can help relieve you from many disease symptoms such as ovarian cysts, hormonal disorders, hair loss, and fertility issues. It will also give you mental clarity and relieve you of many negative thoughts and feelings. A deep cleansing process will help the body release toxins from the kidneys, liver, and lymphatic system. In turn your internal system will be more balanced and capable of self-healing and handling many infertlity related issues. Before infertility issues such as PCOS, ovarian problems, hormonal disorders, and fertility problems can be permanently overcome, then you have to get the toxins out of your body! Fertility problems and many other illnesses, including hormonal imbalances, repond amazingly well to the cleansing of the body. Actually, most of the symptoms associated with infertility practically disappear!! Here are some ways to effectively and affordably detox your body so that you can open your body up for conception.

3 Day Juice Cleanse: Lets start with a juice cleansing. This can be very effective in expelling all the unwanted toxins from our bodies and normalizing our hormone production. A juice cleanse is a liquid diet consisting only of fruit juice, vegetables, other liquids and water. When you do a juice cleansing you mix a lot of different concentrated fruits and vegetables(celery, carrots, lemon, green peppers etc) into one glass. Sounds gross huh? I know but by doing this you allow the digestive system to absorb the fruits and vegetables easily. Juice cleansing supports the body nutritionally, as it safely and effectively cleanses and detoxifies it allowing your body to focus completely on healing itself. Do this for 3 days. While your doing your juice cleansing, try to relax and limit your physical activities.

Juice cleansing has freed individuals from most diseases, even chronic diseases like infertility and hormonal disorders, skin infections, liver and kidney disorders, and even lukemia and arthritis. During juice cleansing a lot of changes occur and a large amount of toxins are being released from the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, bladder, and skin. The lymph and blood are detoxified. By the third day of your cleanse, you''ll lose cravings for food and your digestive system will be at rest, allowing for your colon to expel years of disease-causing toxic buildup. Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables. Nonorganic vegetables contain a high amount of pesticides which can also be absorbed into your system. Also, make your own freshly squeezed juices. YOU SHOULD NOT USE PASTURIZED JUICES OR BOTTLED JUICES. You should drink lots of water during your cleanse.

Basic Juice Blends:

Watermelon, Apple
Yam, Pear
Grapefruit, Watermelon
Lemon, Watermelon
Apple, Pear

Carrot Juice Blends:

Carrot, Celery, Cilantro, Garlic
Carroy, Beet
Carrot, Green Pepper, Beet
Carrot, Mango
Carrot, Apple, Ginger
Warning: Never take beet juice alone. Always take with other fruits or vegetables because it is a very powerful cleanser and could cause hyper detoxification which can lead to nausea.

Vegetable Blends:

Spinach, Celery, Tomato, Garlic, Cabbage, Dill
Spinach, Celery, Cabbage, Tomato, Lemon
Spinach, Celery Cabbage, Tomato
Cabbage, Lemon, Garlic, Tomato
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Lemon
Note: Green vegetable blends are great blood cleansers, nerve tonics, and detoxifiers.

Apple Cider VInegar is a excellent antibiotic and antiseptic drink. But you should only buy unfiltered apple cider made from organic apples. This drink acts as a excellent cleanser and will help maintain the acid- alkaline balance in your intestines. Add 1 tablespoon to a glass of water each morning on an empty stomach. Wheatgrass is probably one of the most effective juices there is. Wheatgrass alkalizes the blood, heals wounds, purges the liver, and has lots of vitamin E and antioxidants. The recommended amount is 2 ounces daily on an empty stomach. Don't drink too much because it can cause hyper-detoxification which can lead to nausea. I hop this information was helpful to you and Good Luck on your Fertility Promoting Cleanse!!

kredit :

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Foods For Fertility

11:41 AM
Foods for Fertility: Vitamins for fertility

A healthy diet for fertility helps you conceive, bet you didn't think about this and always penned your hopes on sex. But fertility depends on food intake too. Certain vitamins and minerals are needed to sustain eggs and sperms, ovulation and hormones need vitamins to function properly. A healthy fertility diet can prevent miscarriages, a disparity in the ovulation cycle, and prepares the woman for pregnancy.

Vitamins for fertility 
- Vitamin A 
- Vitamin D 
- Vitamin E 
- Vitamin K2 
- B6 
- B12 
- Folic Acid 
- Iron 
- Zinc 
- Protein 
- Fats 
- Fibres

Foods for Fertility: Animal Proteins

It is advised to reduce animal protein but it is still important for fertility. It is also important to consume grass fed meat as it grazes naturally and is not injected with hormones and antibiotics. This meat is a good source for proteins, iron, B12 and Omega 3. Eggs too are rich in protein, B12 and vitamin D.

Common sources of protein to boost fertility are: 

Foods for Fertility: Vegetarian Proteins

Vegetarian proteins are very important and a healthy source of protein for fertility. Dark leafy vegetables supply iron, folic acid, B 12, antioxidants and vitamin E. Coloured veggies provide vitamin C and B6 and the best way to ensure you get vitamins from all veggies is to have a salad. These are important to have a healthy pregnancy. Fruits supply antioxidants and vitamin C which also boost fertility. Beans and lentils are good sources of iron and folate, and vitamins that are needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Nuts like almonds and seeds like sunflower, sesame, flax and pumpkin seeds provide Omega 3, protein, zinc and vitamin E.

Foods for Fertility: Whole grains

Thumb rule: Carbs that do not affect insulin are good for fertility. Whole grains also provide fibres that are important for digestion, but it is advisable to consume whole grains like bajra, jowar, ragi, kuttu and ramdana. These whole grains have various other benefits than wheat.

Foods for Fertility: Dairy products

Natural or raw milk that is not skimmed helps to boost your fertility. Dairy products provide necessary fats and calcium that is needed for pregnancy. These dairy products also maintain a healthy ovulation cycle. But consume in moderation to avoid unnecessary weight gain. 

Foods for Fertility: Folate and anti-oxidants

Folic acid aids the growth of the baby which helps prevent birth defects of the spine and the brain. Folic acid is important for the functioning for the brain and the nervous system even for an adult. Folate and antioxidants are sourced from cereals, beans, papaya, berries, green veggies, mushroom, corn, carrots, cauliflower, spinach and brinjal.

Folic acid aids the growth of the baby which helps prevent birth defects of the spine and the brain. Folic acid is important for the functioning for the brain and the nervous system even for an adult. Folate and antioxidants are sourced from cereals, beans, papaya, berries, green veggies, mushroom, corn, carrots, cauliflower, spinach and brinjal.

Foods for Fertility: Omega 3

Lack of Omega 3 may be linked to pre mature birth or low weight babies. Fish is the best source of Omega 3 but there are vegetarian sources of Omega 3 like flax seeds and walnuts. Omega 3 is responsible for regulating hormones and a healthy uterus is essential for improving fertility. Omega 3 also improves the blood supply to reproductive organs.

Foods for Fertility: Healthy Oils

Olive oil and coconut oil are healthy oils that improve fertility. These monounsaturated oils reduce inflammation and this helps in improving fertility. Fats are needed to produce hormones, which are essential for fertility. 

Foods for Fertility: Liver

Liver is a healthy source for different vitamins like Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Folic acid, B12, CoQ10. The thought of consuming animal liver may be repulsive for some, but liver is known to be a prized organ that caters to several bodily needs.

These foods for fertility can improve ovulation, hormones production and the health of the eggs and sperms. These foods for fertility also prepare a woman to have a healthy pregnancy.

kredit : Here

Tapi sekiranya ada history cyst, endo dsb nya kena dapatkan dulu advise doctor atau google dulu makanan yg kena avoid or includes. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Food Fight- Which Foods Can Help In The Infertility Battle?

12:59 PM
Of course, diet and exercise are the two mainstays of any health regimen, regardless of whether you're trying to have a baby or not. When dealing specifically with fertility, diet seems to have a special edge in the battle because it helps regulate hormones and improve a woman's egg health and production. But which foods specifically? It turns out that there are a wide variety of foods that can help women on their journey to conception.

In ancient times, hazelnuts were used often in fertility rites. They were considered so powerful and effective that besides eating them, many women could simply carry them around in their pockets or hang them up in a pouch in a corner of the house and the chances of pregnancy were believed to rise dramatically. Bringing that belief into the 21st century with a more practical approach; studies have shown that the oils in hazelnuts, found in monounsaturated fats (one of the ?good fats') helps to regulate high blood sugar and lower high insulin levels which can impede conception. Hazelnut oil used in aromatherapy treatments is also thought to be extremely effective.

Cucumber seeds are believed to promote conception but the downside is that actual flesh of the vegetable is thought to diminish sexual desire in men while at the same time increasing lust in women, yet another example of biology's sense of humor when you factor in the timing of men and women's sexual peak.

Norse mythology holds that apples were often given as gifts to the Gods to promote fertility. The ancient Celts would also keep apple blossoms in their bedrooms for their believed life giving properties. Apples are believed to increase blood circulation and promote muscle relaxation, perhaps helping to effectively relax the uterus so that conception can take place.

In Australia, a study involving the development of a pill to treat male infertility showed that in a trial of 60 couples who took the pill, which included garlic in its ingredients, 17 couples were successful in conceiving. Garlic has been proven useful in treatments for endometriosis and has been shown as a highly powerful anti-inflammatory agent and stimulant for both male and female reproductive organs. The sulphur compounds in garlic are thought to help the body's prostaglandins which are fatty acids that help in cell division.

The fact that oysters make the list should come as no surprise as they are famously known as aphrodisiacs, though whether they actually are is debatable. Their effectiveness in regards to conception is largely unquestioned mainly due to their high zinc content, vital in a woman's ability to produce healthy eggs They have been known to help in cases of male infertility as well because the zinc in oysters helps increase sperm count and sperm motility.

Just a half teaspoon of cinnamon a day has been proven to significantly reduce blood sugar levels and regulate cholesterol, according to a study in Pakistan back in 2003. It has also been used effectively in treating haemorrhaging of the womb. It is believed to increase sexual energy which certainly helps in the fertility battle. A cinnamon extract tablet called Cinnulin PF was administered in a study of women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome over 8 weeks. One group was given the pill while the second group was given a placebo tablet. The Cinnulin group showed a significant reduction in insulin resistance as well as regulating triglycerides, a common problem for women suffering from the fertility disorder.

According to the Aztecs, avocado was considered one of the ultimate fertility fruits. Because of its high Vitamin E content, avocados are largely used to treat infertility in men. It helps increase sperm mobility and keeps sperm from grouping together as they make their journey to the egg. Rock star Mick Jagger apparently used avocados in his fertility food diet when he wanted to add to his significant brood. Avocados are also high in ?good fats'.

Saving the best for last, probably the most popular item on the list of pro-fertility foods has to be ice-cream. Yes, you read that right. The good stuff, none of that low fat junk. In fact, low fat dairy of any kind, ice cream, yogurt, milk etc seems to have the opposite affect and has been shown to actually impair a woman's ability to conceive because it restricts ovulation. Stick to the natural regular fat brands. A fat soluble substance found in dairy is thought to be one of the reasons it improves fertility.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Laparoskopi : Semasa

6:18 PM 1 Comments
Dari hari ke hari nak update kat sini. Tp cam susah betul nak update.
So, hari tu last entry pasal persediaan.
Kita sambung pula semasa laparoskopi.

Semasa ni takde apa la sangat.
Sy sampai ke klinik dalam jam 8pagi. Ingat kot klinik belum buka. Jadi, kami tak naik atas dulu. Teman myDH breakfast while me mana buleh makan kan. Puasa katanya.
Dalam hati ni dup dap dup dap. Sambil tu update status kt FB. Mana yg tahu tu, semua mendoakan semua berjalan lancar. Terima kasih.

So, tepat 8.30 baru naik. Rupanya ada yg dah naik pun. Dah ada yg masuk OT pun.
Maka, dapatlah saya jadi 2nd patient. Sejurus kemudian datang patient ke3.
Dari Kuantan. Suaminya dgn ramah, bertegur sapa dgn kami.

Seteleh staff bertugas panggil and terangkan sket2, dia bawa kami ke wad.
Masa tu husband buleh duduk skali.
So, amik la beg semua bawa dan simpan dalam drawer yg ada kat wad tu.
Ada empat katil je pun. Bermakna mmg ada 4 patients la sehari.
Saya patient kedua. Hurmm... perasaan masa tu Allah saja yang tahu. Lepak2 je atas katil. Seram sejuk dah ni. Pastu dalam 9.30 salin baju operation tu.
Tak lama dengar derang hantar 1st patient. Panggil nama dia, tapi dia tak sedar. Perasaan masa ni lagi la berdebar giler.

Pastu dalam 9.45 nama dipanggil. Jalan sendiri je masuk OT. Takde wheel chair bagai. Naik la kau atas katil tu.
Takutnya. Tgk lampu2 byk tu kan. 
Doc bius tanya pernah operate ke tidak. Mana la pernah.
Pastu dia cari urat kat tangan utk masukkan bius. Dekat tangan kanan.
Alhamdulillah, tak sakit apa pun.
Pastu derang bagi corong oksigen. Bernafas sambil berselawat, mengucap semua. Dia tak bagi pejam mata. Tapi tak lama, dalam beberapa saat - kosong. Mmg tak sedar. Nak kata macam tidur pun tidak juga sbb kalo tidur kita ada mimpi bagai. Ni kosong.

MyDH kata dalam kul 11pg derang da angkat saya naik katil. MyDH tgk sekejap. Tp saya still tak sedar. Jadi, dia balik rumah dulu.

Saya sedar masa azan Zohor. Mmg klinik  ni dkt sgt dengan masjid. Dengar2 camtu ja la. Masih mamai. Dengar orang sebelah dok kata sakit...sakit. Dia patient keempat dan baru kuar dari OT. Eh. Dia sedar ke. Bius tak abis ke. Siannya. Pastu tertido balik.

Jam 4 lebih baru terjaga. Rasa cam dah oke. Gigih amik telefon. Update status. Tak lama, myDH datang. Oh. Syukur. Tapi masa tu tak boleh minum lagi. Dlm kul 5 tu baru derang bagi air masak. Dahaganya. Maklum la puasa dari kul 12 t.mlm. Minum. Pastu makan kurma sebijik dua. Baru rasa tenaga sket. Dalam ptg sket derang ada bagi milo panas and roti. Makan sekeping je. Tu pun tak abis. Doktor Hamid ada melawat dalam kul 6 lebih tu. Dia bagitau la serba sedikit pembedahan tu. 

MyDH teman smpai kul 7 ja. Pastu kena balik. Tinggallah kami bereempat. Malam tu nurse cuci perut sket. Entah la cuci cemna. Tp ada la napak kuar darah kut botol yg letak kat tempat di tebuk tu. Pastu nurse masukkan ubat tahan saket ikut bontot. Malam tu, Alhamdulillah, lena tidur.

Esuknya, pepagi nurse dah kejut. Suruh tukar baju. Basuh2 muka. Mmg ada rasa pening2. Mungkin kesan bius, atau kesan terbaring je kan. Nurse tukarkan plaster. Dia ada sembur ubat apa tah. Sejuk, pastu rasa cam sakit sket. Adeiii... pastu katanya plaster buleh buka dalam ari Ahad (4 hari lagi). Pastu tunggu myDH. Rupanya pagi lagi dia dah smpai. Dia ngan dua orang lagi asben patient yang lain (patient 1st n 3rd) duk sembang2 kat kedai mamak tu. Pastu dia settlekan bayaran. Kul 10 pagi baru derang boleh masuk. Lps makan tghari baru buleh keluar wad.

Derang bagi bubur nasik. Siap ada ayam segala. Mmg jenuh la ni kalo org tua tahu. Ayam. Hihi. Makan sket je. Pastu sesiap nak balik. Igt nak balik pakai kain batik je. Skali tgk kawan yg 1st patient tu siap pakai jubah dah. Eh. MyDH kata, pakai la baju elok sket. Mmg ada bawa dress pun. So, pakai dress. Seksanya rasa hai duk dlm keta dari Damansara ke Sentul tu.

Jadi, begitulah pengalaman laparoskopi di klinik Dr Hamid. Mmg Doc Hamid ada buat laparoskopi kat klinik dia. Kemudahan bagi yg tak menggunakan insurans. Harga depends apa yg kita buat. Cam aku kena maksima - RM6,500. Ada yg sebelah tu RM5,700 ja. Tengok la apa yg dibuang dan dicuci. Cam aku ni remove cyst, fibroid lagi. Betulkan rahim juga. Dia akan buat setiap hari Rabu. Dan 4 pesakit je lah dia buat rasanya setiap hari Rabu.

Lepas ni cerita pasal berpantang dan pemakanan selepas laparoskopi pula ya.

Gambar dari FB Doc Hamid. Begitulah keadaannya ketika pembedahan dilakukan. Aduiyai... seram kan...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Laparoskopi : Persediaan

10:17 AM
Bagaimana nak mulakan. Agak lama tak berblog. Baik di sini mahu pun di kebun sana.
Mahu berhibernate seketika. Bila dah bed rest, asik tgk blog orang, kadang2 rasa macam...urmm... tak mengapalah. Rehat seketika. Tp utk blog ni, kena update juga. Buat kenangan, dan juga mungkin rujukan utk kawan2 lain yg nak melalui prosedur yg sama.

So, dari date yg dpt utk buat operation, sy ada sebulan utk membuat pelbagai persediaan. Tempoh yg tak terlalu lama dan juga tak terlalu pendek kan. Just nice. Sempat saya ke Darussyifa (akan diceritakan kemudian), balik kg utk mengundi. Cuma tak sempat nak ke Bagan Lalang je makan ketam. Hihi.
Utk buat laps di klinik Dr Hamid, seminggu sebelum date operation kita kena bank-in kan RM300 dahulu sebagai deposit. If slps itu kita nak batalkan operation, deposit tu kira burnt. So, bila dah bayar tu kira cam "jadi"lah kan. Debarnya.

Seminggu sebelum saya siapkan semua2 kerja. Kena plak mmg time bz sgt kat ofis. Dgn urusan orang nak naik pangkat, kes tatatertib. Phew. Tp sy siap buat list work to be done (ala-ala serahan tugas),bagi pada boss, bagi pada anak buah. Tkpe, boss saya mmg byk membantu, itu saya tahu. Dan juga anak2 buah saya. Saya yakin dengan mereka.

Dgn doc Hamid juga dia ada bagi macam manual - do's n don't - before n after laps. Mmg bagus la. Semua ada diterangkan kat situ. Dalam tu juga ada ditulis kena beli Enema (utk buang air dan elakkan sembelit selepas operation). Dan bermula jam 12tgh mlm before operate kita kena berpuasa. Dengan Doc Hamid mmg dia tak benarkan minum pati haruan/gamat. Tapi kalau makan ikan haruan fresh buat sup, itu tak mengapa.

Saya beli enema yang ini. Rasanya ada pelbagai jenis. RM17 kalo tak silap. Mudah je guna dia. Minta bantuan suami lah. Hihi

Saya buat cara yg left-side position tu. Fuh... keberkesanan dia tak smpai 5 minit. Walau tak masuk abis pun cecair tu, tapi cepat btul kesan dia. Rasa sakit perut macam kita tersalah makan kalau pegi kenduri tu. Hihi. Memulas dan mmg rasa abis lah dikeluarkan segala. Buat ni selepas maghrib (mmg dlm manual dia suruh buat dalam jam 7-8pm). Tapi lps tu buleh makan lagi. Tp takpe..makan je kang, dia keluarkan lagi. In fact, smpai pagi pun ada rasa2 nak membuang.

Saya juga ada beli wet-wipes. Sbb nak carik bed-bath wipes tu macam takde je. Brand dettol. Dan saya rasa ini penting yer. Jgn lupa sediakan wet wipes ni sbb kita tak larat nak mandi, boleh guna wet-wipes nih. Pastu buleh juga bersihkan area2 luka tu.

Sebelum tu juga saya ada pergi kedai yang jual makanan Arab. Beli kurma, madu, pati delima Gulsan. Kurma pun penting juga. Makanan terakhir sebelum saya nak operate tu adalah kurma. Sbb kurma boleh bagi kita tenaga yg lama dan elak terlalu lapar. Pun, saya bawa juga 5 biji kurma sebagai bekalan masa nak operate tu. Mmg elok pun bawa kurma. Sbb sejurus lps sedar dari operation, mereka cuma bagi air suam. Perut kosong. Jadi, kita boleh makan sebijik kurma dulu.

Itulah antara persediaan saya sebelum operation. Sehari sebelum date operation, staff Doc Hamid akan call. Bagitau semuanya. Bagus juga kan. Saya mmg ambil cuti sehari sebelum operation. Saja, rehatkan diri kat rumah. 

Dan yang paling utama, 3 hari sebelum operation, mmg saya buat solat hajat, mohon agar semua dipermudahkan. Allah yang tahu apa terbaik utk kita. Jadi, mohonlah pada Dia kan.

Secara ringkas, begitu lah persediaan yang dibuat. Kalau ada apa2 nak tanya, boleh emel je

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pre Laparoscopy : Bed Baths Guide

11:51 AM
Lama tak menulis di sini.
Tak ramai pun dah jenguk since url dah tukar.
Skrg kita citer pasal persediaan yg dibuat untuk menghadapi laparoskopi - laps (laparoscopy).
Kurang seminggu je lagi kan.
Takpe. So, now apa preparation yg saya buat. Selain persediaan mental dan fizikal lah kan.
Oleh kerana, mungkin selepas laps tu nati saya tak boleh mandi, kena lap lap ja, saya nak carik la wipes yg boleh lap kan tu instead of guna towel kecik kan.  Alahai, sehari je kot tak buleh mandi. Huhu.
Selain itu, saya juga google step2 utk bed bath ni.

Here we are (kredit to : 

Bed baths have been given for centuries to people who are sedentary, bedridden or difficult to move. Giving a bed bath involves washing the entire body one section at a time, then rinsing and drying thoroughly while the patient remains in the bed. It is important to gather all the supplies needed before you begin so you do not have to leave the patient unattended. When performing a bed bath, it is also necessary that the body is dried completely to prevent chafing, bacteria and bed sores. Thorough bed baths are essential to the hygiene of bedridden patients. Follow these steps to learn how to give a bed bath.
1- Fill a basin or washtub with warm water, approximately 115 degrees F (46 degrees C) or less. The water should be comfortable to the touch.
2 - Cover the patient with a light sheet and blanket.
3- Fold down the sheet and blanket, uncovering the patient's top half and remove the top portion of their clothing. Recover with the sheet and blanket.
4 - Using a mild soap and washcloth or sponge, gently wash the patient's face, ears and neck.
5 - Rinse the washcloth or sponge, wring it lightly and gently wipe off the soap. Re-rinse and wring as needed until all the soap has been removed.
6 - Dry the washed areas with a towel.
7 - Fold down the sheet and blanket on one side of the body only. Place a towel beneath the exposed arm.
8 - Wash the patient's shoulder, underarm, arm and hand. Rinse as before.
9 - Dry the washed areas thoroughly, especially the underarm, to prevent chafing and bacteria growth. Recover with the sheet and blanket to keep the patient warm.
10 - Fold the sheet exposing the other side, place the towel beneath the other arm and repeat, washing, rinsing and drying the other arm.
11 - Fold the sheet and blanket down to the waist and gently wash the chest, stomach and sides.
12 - Rinse the area, dry and re-cover the area to keep the patient warm.
13 - Fold the sheet and blanket up to the waist, exposing the legs and remove any clothing from the lower part of the body.
14 - Re-cover one side and place a towel beneath the leg on the other side.
15 - Wash, rinse and dry the leg and foot.
16 - Re-cover the washed leg and repeat the steps to wash, rinse and dry the other leg. Re-cover the lower half of the body.
17 - Empty the water from the basin and refill it with clean water.
18 - Ask the patient to roll on his/her side if they are able. You may have to assist them. Make sure they are not too close to the edge of the bed to prevent falls.
19 - Fold the sheet and blanket up, exposing the entire back side of the patient. Place the towel on the bed, along the patient's body.
20 - Wash the back of the patient's neck, back, buttocks and legs.
21 - Rinse off the soap and dry thoroughly.
22 - Put on disposable gloves and wash the genital area and anus. This part of the body should be washed every day.
23 - Rinse and dry thoroughly.
24 - Apply deodorant and lotions as needed and put on clean clothing or robe.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mei 2013 : Cycle Day

3:26 PM
Seperti biasa.
27hari je dia menjelma.
Displin sungguh dia.
Tapi. Mungkin bermula bulan depan, date nya akan lari. Mungkin lah.

Hari ni dah 3 Mei.
Lebih kurang 3 minggu je lagi.
Berdebar mmg ada. Tipu lah kalau takde kan.
Tapi takpe.
Berdoa agar dipermudahkan segalanya.
Dan belajar untuk lebih redha atas apa ditentukan.

diuji Allah sesuai dengan kemampuannya.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Kepentingan Fish Oil Semasa TTC

2:43 PM

Sebelum kita pergi cerita2 lagi, mari kita tgk kepentingan fish oil. Masa ke klinik Dr Hamid tu hari, dia  bekalkan saya 2 botol fish oil utk dihabiskan. Besar gabak. Sebijik - 2 kali sehari. Saya mmg ada masalah makan ubat besar gabak. Eh. Bukan ubat besar je. Ubat kecik pun ada masalah. Dari kecik mmg saya tak lepas lah nak makan ubat biji nih. Mesti cam berpusing2 dlm mulut, tak boleh nak telan. Tapi kali ni saya kena telan juga. Smpai tersangkut kat leher rasanya.

Saya dapatkan dalam BI lah. Senang sket kan. So, mari tgk. Sebelum ni mmg saya tak pernah consume fish oil.

If you're trying to conceive, you may be looking for a food or supplement that will help you do so faster. Alternately, you may be looking for supplements that will help to promote the health of your embryo, once you become pregnant. Fish oil contains many healthful compounds that won't help get you pregnant, but could positively impact your baby.

Getting pregnant requires that a healthy sperm come in contact with a healthy egg during a narrow window of time -- about 24 hours -- after you've ovulated. Because sperm only have a lifetime of about three days in the woman's body, this requires carefully timed intercourse. Furthermore, sperm meeting egg isn't the only requirement for becoming pregnant. The fertilized egg must implant in the uterine lining, and must develop normally.

Role of Nutrition
While there's no one food, vitamin or supplement that can help you get pregnant faster, following a healthy diet can help ensure your eggs are healthy and that you'll be able to carry a developing embryo to term if you conceive. Fish oil has a role in a healthy diet. The oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory in nature, explain Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz in their book "You: Having A Baby." Fish oil also contains DHA -- docosahexaenoic acid -- which your developing fetus uses to build brain cells.

If you've heard that you need to avoid certain fish -- particularly during pregnancy -- because of the risk of mercury contamination, you don't need to be concerned about fish oil. The fish that contain dangerous levels of mercury, a neurotoxin, are generally larger predator fish. Smaller fish, mostly sardines and anchovies, go into making fish oil. "The New York Times" reported in March 2009 that commercially available fish oil tablets don't have dangerous levels of mercury in them.

General Guidelines
If you're trying to conceive and want to start taking fish oil supplements, talk to your obstetrician or primary care physician first. Your doctor can help you decide whether you should take fish oil, how much to take, and whether you need other supplements or dietary changes in addition. If you are under 30 years of age and haven't conceived within a year of "trying" -- that is to say, making a concerted effort to do so -- you should see your doctor for a check up.

Recent studies have shown that the consumption of fish oil (or, more specifically, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil) improves fertility in both men and women. Fish oil is typically harvested from cold-water fish like salmon, trout, sardines and a wide variety of others. These oils contain high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, which the body breaks down into eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. These two acids play a large role in biological processes that are vital to one’s fertility. But how exactly does fish oil help in regulating these processes and increase a couple’s chance at successfully conceiving a child?

In Men
Docosahexaenoic acid, which is a byproduct of omega-3 fatty acids, play a key role in the mobility of sperm. Sperm cells face a long and arduous journey before they’re even able to attempt to penetrate an ovum and fertilize an egg. In order to be fit for this journey, they must be, first of all, plentiful, and, second of all, up to the task.  
Docosahexaenoic acid plays an important role in the development of healthy sperm. The more sperm that make it to the ovum (millions will naturally die during the journey), the better chance there will be that one of them will successfully fertilize the egg, leading to pregnancy. Studies have found that males deficient in this acid produce under-performing sperm and are less fertile as a result. Furthermore, consumption of omega-3 fatty acids also increases blood flow to the genitals which leads to an increase in the overall production of sperm, as well as an decrease in the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Again, numbers are key to increasing the odds of successful conception. The more sperm present in a man’s ejaculate, the better chances that one will successfully fertilize the egg.

In Women
Hormonally, women are much more complex than men and they cannot increase the production of ova that can successfully be fertilized, as women are born with all the eggs they will ever produce. However, there are certain conditions that the body can bring about that can help women become more fertile, and the consumption of fish oil promotes the natural occurrence of these conditions. For example, one of the main components to increased fertility is the regular and predictable menstrual cycle. Having a regular cycle allows women to know when their periods of highest fertility occur. Knowing this information allows couples to set a plan that will allow them the best chance of successful conception. Consumption of fish oils helps to promote a regular menstrual cycle.
Omega-3 fatty acids also enhance the body’s natural reactions during the menstrual cycle. A woman’s body temperature, for example, naturally increases during ovulation. This is a major tell-tale signal that her body is ready to conceive. By encouraging this natural surge in temperature, fish oil give women another tool they can use to increase their chances to successfully conceive.
Fish oils aren’t a magical elixir that can guarantee pregnancy. However, they do draw upon and enhance the body’s natural tools for successfully conceiving a child. Natural regulation is the key to increasing fertility, and consuming fish oils regulates these processes to become more predictable and allows couples to know their windows for peak fertility.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Treatment Dr Hamid : 1st Appoinment

1:12 PM 1 Comments
19 April 2013 (Jumaat)
1st appoinment di Klinik Dr Hamid Arshat. Pertama kali sampai. Sebenar tak susah pun mencari klinik ni. If kita dari KL, naik je Lebuhraya Mahameru, pastu sebelum KL Sentral (selepas Jabatan Hutan), amik lorong kiri yg menghala Damansara, Bangsar tu. Lps tu nati naik lagi ke kiri yg ada tulis Jalan Semantan, Jalan Dungun. Follow saja laluan tu. Dkt sekolah ada masuk simpang kiri kalo tak silap. Terus je smpai lah ke Plaza Damansara - berhampiran dengan Masjid Saidina Omar. Parking payah sket la kalo area klinik tu, tp pusing2 la bulatan tu. Kalo ada rezeki, dpt lah. Tepi jalan tu pun mmg boleh parking (berbayar). Atau pun parking kat basemen pun boleh. 

Appoinment kami jam 2.15ptg. Asben solat Jumaat kat masjid tu while me - tunggu dlm keta tgk FB, Instagram. Mujo dpt parking bawah pokok. Tak lah membahang.
Settle asben solat, kami terus ke klinik. Oleh kerana saya pernah buat HSG, sy bawa jugak lah film HSG tu. Smpai sana orang pun dah ada, tp tak ramai lagi.

1st time dtg - letak IC asben n wife dlm kotak disediakan. Kalo dah dtg byk kali, letak kad appoinment lah. Prosedur yg sama kat memana pun kan. Duduk sekejap kat ruangan menunggu yg ada sofa empok tu. Tak lama, nama pun dipanggil. Dia amik butiran sket, tanya itu ini, timbang berat seme, then tggu lagi. Berlainan dgn LPPKN, 1st time datang kena amik darah. Kat sini takde. 

Dalam 10minit lepas tu, nama dipanggil utk jumpa doktor. Wah. Berdebar sungguh rasa. Doktor pun tanya2 ikut data kita tu then dia suh g scan. Laju giler proses kan. Masuk dlm bilik scan tu. Ada staff perempuan yg scan kan. Don't worry. Tapi kalo nak mudah, pakai la jubah/dress/blause labuh. Selesa sket lah. At least, kita tanggalkan seluar kecik ja. Kalo pakai seluar panjang/jeans seme kena tanggal. Kena plak baju pendek/t-shirt - ha...lagi malu kan. Tak boleh nak cover bawah plak. Hikhik. Saya pada hari tu, mmg pakai dress labuh from Zalora (ceh..sempat lagi nak iklan. Haha).

So, dia trus scan - TVS to be exact. TVS is Transvaginal scan.
Skali budak tu pun cam terperanjat.
"Eh. Ni ada cyst"
Saya pun cam cam tak tau nak respond apa.

Dia panggil doktor. Doktor tgk pastu panggil asben skali. Tgk monitor. (which rasanya asben tak paham pun tgk apa yg ada kt monitor tu. Haha)
Cyst plak dah. Lps tu macam ada fibroid juga. Tp saiz kecik.
Ah sudah. Begitu pula ceritanya kan.

Then dah settle scan tu, staff tu tanya gak la. Suka makan megi ke, KFC ke, air coke ke.
Jawapannya, takde la suka, tp tak de lah tak makan. Tapi takde la kerap mana. Cam megi tu, kata sebulan skali pun payah. Tp stok tu ada je kat umah. In case, teringin ada. KFC, McD tu ada la... tp takde la balun tetiap minggu. Air gas - kureng. Selalu kalo beli fastfood amik air twister / ribena.

Mungkin dia nak kaitkan dgn segala mendasing dalam perut ni dgn pemakanan. Huhu. Entah lah. Kadang kita tak makan pun seme tu, jadi juga. Kadang, ada yg makan hehari menda2 tu, pun beranak juga. So, cemana. Redha. Ini 'bahagian' kita. Jangan tanya kenapa dia camtu, kenapa aku camni? Takkan dapat jawapan. Buat sakit kepala je.

Lps tu jumpa doktor balik. Doktor lukis2 bagitau itu ini.
"Kita advise operate jelah"

Takut giler hoke nak kena operate2 plak.
Tapi cara doktor tu cam takde apa pun. Ala sket je ni, 2cm, buang sini, ikat sini, bla bla bla... MC sebulan! Pergh.

Kos - dalam 6-7k kalo buat kat klinik dia. Around 10k kalo kat Pantai Medical - menggunakan insurans. Since saya mmg takde insurans, kalo nak buat, buat kat klinik dia lah. Jadi, kami minta masa sket utk buat decision (kebetulan aku trus balik kg lps tu, sng lah nak tnya dgn famili).

Doktor pun oke lah. Dia kata dia tak buleh nak buat prosedur lain since kami dah lama kawen. Patut boleh mengandung katanya. Saya sempat bertanya gak simptom2 cyst tu sbb cycle period oke amat. Dia kata simptom dia cam senggugut tu. Pastu tak buleh pregnant tu lah. Tp sy suspect sbb ini lah period saya sket. Mungkin darah tak keluar sepenuhnya dan membentuk satu 'rumah' dia sendiri. Itu teori saya lah.

Settle - amik ubat. Saya dpt fish oil n obimin. Asben dpt Vit E ngan Kapikachu. Total utk 1st visit ni - RM337. Tu termasuk ubat, consultation n TVS. Tak la mahal sgt. Oke dah tu sbb tgk bil utk scan hanya RM45

Jadi, 3 hari jugak lah berpikir. Bertanya pendapat 2,3 orang. Ada yg kata dptkan 2nd opinion. Ada yg kata proceed. 

Itu lah. Sebagaimana dikata. Ini lah laluan yg Allah permudahkan. Kalo bulan 7 baru saya pegi, entah apa pula jadinya dalam perut nih. Saya pun tak suspect langsung ada cyst. Tapi itu lah. Kalo kita senggugut, walau pun mild, pergilah jumpa doktor. Memana pun takpe. Minta buat TVS kalo buleh. Lagi cepat kita tau lagi mudah. Ini bkn kes biasa. Mesti ada sesuatu. Yer, betul. Ada yg senggugut teruk pun, buleh je pregnant. Tu lah spti saya kata - memasing punya bahagian kan.

Next entry : date untuk operation (laparoscopy)

Demi permata ini. Segalanya akan dilakukan. Mudah-mudahan impian ku dimakbulkan.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bersangka Baik Dengan Allah.

8:00 AM 0 Comments
Sentiasa bersangka baik lah dengan Allah dengan setiap ujian yang kita hadapi. Hadapilah dengan tenang. Hadapi lah dengan redha. Jangan terlalu mengeluh dengan nasib diri yang kita rasakan tidak bernasib baik sebagaimana orang lain.

Pandang sekeliling diri kita. 
Selama hidup kita di dunia ini.
Sekali pun Allah tidak menzalimi kita.
Belum ada rezeki itu, diberi limpahan rezeki lain utk kita.

Oke. Itu mukadimah.

Selepas ni, mungkin nada blog/entry ni agak berlainan dengan sebelum ni. Tapi seboleh2 saya tak mahu 'suram' kan blog ni. Pikir positif.
Sebelum ni saya ada tulis saya ada appoinment untuk treatment.
Dan saya ada tulis juga saya pernah buat appmt dengan klinik Dr Hamid. Ya. Utk mendapat date appmt bukan lah mudah. Terpaksa menunggu terlalu lama. Tapi, terkadang, Allah permudahkan. Allah itu Maha Mendengar. KuasaNya lebih hebat dari apa yang ada di dunia ini. Itu pun kita semua tahu.

Sebenarnya, date appmt saya adalah 4 Julai 2013 (saya call dalam bulan 3). Betapa lamanya kena menunggu. Saya redha. Dan dlm pada itu saya call juga LPPKN utk buat semula treatment.
Tapi, kuasa Allah mengatasi segalanya. Kun Fa Ya Kun. 11 April - dpt call dari klinik dr Hamid. Dia tanya nak tak kalo dia percepatkan date appmt ke 19hb April. Saya cam tanjat gegel kejap. Rasa tak percaya pun ada. Takkan taknak kan. Katanya ada yg cancel then dia masukkan saya, sbb saya ada request.

Oke, sebelum saya berbicara lebih panjang, harap jgn ada rasa tak puas hati. Sebenarnya lepas sy call utk buat appmt tu saya tak pernah pun nak call lagi tanya ada tak yg kosong. Lps call saya bebuat lupa je dan tggu bulan 7. Biar lah. Lagipun saya nak proceed semula di LPPKN. Cuma masa call tu saya cuma kata "lamanya... date lain penuh yer". Itu saja. Takde memaksa. Jadi, kita tggu.

Tapi, mungkin ada 'sesuatu' Allah nak sampaikan. Melalui doktor itu. Apa yg terjadi, hanya Allah yang tahu. Sentiasa lah dekat pada Dia. Saya akui, terkadang saya sendiri cuai, culas. Terkadang, ada solat fardhu yg saya tidak qada semula hanya kerana berpeleseran di shopping complex, atau hanya kerana menonton wayang. Tapi Allah tak pernah kedekut dengan kita. Dipermudahkan lagi urusan kita.

Dan pada weekend sblm date appmt tu kami suami isteri dah riki jalan. Senang. Sbb appmt tu hari Jumaat petang, tau lah hazabnya cemana. Dan pada 15hb sekali lagi klinik confirmkan kehadiran. Alhamdullillah.

19 April - Jumaat - appmt kami petang.
Agak awal kami sampai. Husband pegi solat. Saya tunggu dalam kereta. Mujo dpt parking redup. Sekali lagi Allah permudahkan. Walo tidak lah dpn klinik tp tidak lah terlalu jauh. Alhamdulillah. Selesai solat, kami naik klinik. Tk berapa ramai lagi orang lagi. Letakkan IC since kami 1st time ke sini. Lps diambil rekod diri, tunggu sekejap then jumpa doktor. 
Ya. Mmg ada 'sesuatu'. Sbb itu lah Tuhan memberi laluan ini. Kalo tidak selamanya saya tak tahu. Dan kalo lambat mungkin akan memudaratkan ('sesuatu' ini akan saya ceritakan pada next entry).

Bila keluar dari klinik saya terfikir. Mmg Allah nak permudahkan laluan. Kalau bulan 7 mmg dah hampir sgt dengan bulan Ramadhan, then hari raya. Lps tu saya perlu uruskan appmt mak di Hosp Serdang. Mak mmg ada masalah jantung and kena follow up di Serdang. Lepas raya mak perlu  buat CT Scan then bulan 9 jumpa doktor pula. Kalo 1st appmt saya bulan 7 mungkin ada masalah sbb ada prosedur yg saya kena jalankan.

Untuk itu, saya rasa amat bersyukur kerana dipermudahkan.
Saya rasa sebak sangat sbb walau Allah uji saya dengan ujian ini, saya tak pernah merasa 'susah'. Pasti ada jalan yang dipermudahkan.
Allah uji kita sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. Jangan sesekali rasa 'down',

Next entry saya akan cerita detail 1st appmt, cost dan 'sesuatu' itu.
Apa yang penting - kerjasama....
Kita mesti lah mensyukuri nikmat yang Allah berikan pada kita instead of kita meratap hiba dengan dugaan ini.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pengalaman Baru, Cerita Baru

8:25 AM 0 Comments
Assalamualaikum kengkawan seme.
Maaf URL blog bertukar lagi.
Sbb kali ni byk cerita baru yg akan dikongsi.

Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Allah tidak sama sekali menzalimi hambaNya.
Jangan pernah berburuk sangka dengan Allah bila kita diuji.
Kerana setiap ujian tu akan diiringi dengan jalan penyelesaiannya.
Pasti ada.
Cuma kita lah yg perlu bersabar dalam menanti penyelesaian itu.

Lps ni, ada cerita baru yg saya ingin kongsikan.
Cerita baru, pengalaman baru dan moga ada rezeki baru.

Apa pun, sentiasa ingat dan percaya, setiap berlaku ada hikmahnya.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Esok Harinya

1:16 PM
Esok harinya.
Moga-moga aku bertabah dan terbuka hati nak teruskan rawatan hingga ke sudah.
Hingga berjaya.
No more hangat2 tahi ayam.
No more sekerat jalan.
No more ada alasan nak berjalan ke mana-mana.

So, skang ni tahan diri dari booking ke mana-mana.
Tumpukan pada rawatan ini.

Tanda-tanda Allah makbulkan doa, adalah bila kita mula berusaha.
Semoga dipermudahkan.

p/s : akan diceritakan kemudian rawatan apa, di mana dan semua prosedurnya nati ya.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pengumuman : Emel Baru

12:49 PM 0 Comments
Sapa follow kebun stoberi, mungkin akan tgk entry yg sama camni.

Dengan ini saya ingin meminta maaf sekiranya ada emel yg saya tak balas.
Bukan saya sombong atau buat tak layan.
Sbb kalo emel, Insyaallah mmg saya tak pernah tak balas. Lambat atau cepat, pasti saya balas. Mmg ada kawan2 yg emel saya utk dapatkan info berkaitan TTC ni dan setghnya mmg dah jadi kawan di FB, Instagram, whats app (we chat je blum. hihi)

Pada yg saya tak balas tu, sebenarnya emel yg dihantar tu tersalah hantar.

Pagi tadi, dpt emel dari kawan kita ni.
Kesian dia. Memacam emel dia dapat katanya. Tanya pasal LPPKN lah, pasal tupperware lah. Huhu. Yer, itu seme emel saya lah tu.
Mungkin ada yg tertaip salah masa nak tulis STOBERI hingga menjadi STROBERI.

Sebenarnya cikstoberi - STO. Bukan cikstroberi -STRO. Itu yg terpegi ke kawan kita lagi sorang tu.

Jadi, untuk mengelakkan permasalahan.
Lagi2 pulak kisah kita ni agak private kan. 
segala emel, terus ke emel yg ini saja

Boleh ya.

Jangan tertinggal 2011 tu plak. Kang ter pegi ke lain lagi. Huhu.
Jadi, saya open juga comment kat entry ni, utk tgk ada tak sesapa lagi yg pernah emel saya, tp saya 'tak layan'. Huhu. Maaf, maaf, maaf.

Ada setengah emel yg cikstroberi tu fwd semula.

Tapi ada setengah dia dah delete katanya.
Kalo ada yg masih nak dptkan apa2 maklumat, buleh la emel saya semula.
Cuma kalo nak gchat tu payah sket la. Sbb saya byk guna emel cikstoberi tu. Boleh je nak contact thro emel tu, cuma, pastikan eja stoberi tu bebetul lah. STOBERI ya :)

Pada yg mmg dah selalu emel saya ke emel cikstoberi, buleh teruskan. Betul lah tu emel tu.
Tapi, pada yg baru nak emel ke apa, emel trus ke ya.
Saya juga akan tukar serta merta alamat emel kat column sebelah nih.
Mekasih ya.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Penantian 11 Tahun

5:46 PM
Lagi satu cerita yg boleh dijadikan sumber semangat utk kita.
Yang masih lagi ber TTC.
Sentiasa ingat, kita bukan keseorangan dalam menjalani ujian ini.
Ramai. Mmg ramai.
Malahan terlalu lama menanti.
Jadikan lah kesabaran mereka itu sebagai inspirasi utk kita :)

Gambar scan bayi 19 minggu. Umor ibu 32 tahun selama 11 tahun cuba hamil tapi gagal. Alhamdulillah hamil lepas rawatan kita. Scan nampak anak lelaki. Doakan dia selamat hamil dan lahirkan anak soleh.
Kredit : FB Dr Hamid

Bila aku share di wall aku, ada juga yg kata 'untung dia kawen awal, 11 tahun kawen pun masih muda umurnya'. Ya. Aku pun kawen lewat. Genap umur 29 tahun. Pun kalo dikira tggu 11 tahun mmg kata orang tu takde harapan dah.
Takkan kita nak bergoyang kaki menunggu miracle kan.
Teruskan berusaha.
Teruskan mendapat treatment dari memana doktor kalo umur dah mencecah 30tahun.
Memana doktor pun takkan menolak utk membantu kita kalau umur kita dah cecah 30 tahun.
Dari entry yg lepas pun yg dari blog Dr Adilah tu pun, si ibu hamil dalam usia agak lewat juga setelah 21 tahun menanti.

Memang bukan mudah.
Ini lah pengalaman yg amat berharga untuk kita.
Takkan ada pada orang lain.

Diam tak diam aku pun serasa tak percaya yg aku sudah hampir 5 tahun menanti cahaya mata.
Hurmmm...mmg ada tertanya2. 
Memang ada rasa - kalo ada anak pasti nak ke tadika dah.
Tapi. Dah begini ditentukan.

Sentiasa ingat - Allah menguji sesuai dengan kemampuan hambaNya :)


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