Tuesday, July 19, 2011


TTC : Implantation Dip

Masih lagi dalam mood belajar menda/term baru.
Dan masih berkaitan dgn carta BBT.
Byk rupanya yg akan tahu kalo kita buat BBT chart ni.

What Is an Implantation Dip?

As you may remember, ovulation can be detected on a basal body temperature chart by a slight shift in temperature mid-cycle. For more about basal body temperature chart, read this step-by-step piece on how to chart your body basal temperature and how to detect ovulation with a BBT chart.

An implantation dip is a one-day drop in temperature on a basal body temperature chart, occurring about one week after ovulation. The dip appears during the luteal phase, the time between ovulation and your expected period. Implantation of the embryo usually occurs between days 7 and 11 of the luteal phase, and this is why some people attribute this sudden one-day dip in temperature to implantation.

The dip in temperature may just be slightly lower than the rest of the post-ovulation temperatures, or it may even dip below the “cover line” on a fertility chart. (The cover line is an arbitrary line that the temperatures on average were below before ovulation, but appear on average above after ovulation.)

Sumber : http://infertility.about.com/od/tryingtoconceive101/qt/implantationdip.htm

Kredit : Here

p/s: Cycle kali ni aku langsung tak catat BBT pun. Asik lupa je bila da bangun pagi. Haih. Tp rasa mcm da ada tanda2 ke-ber-telur-an ni rasanya. Huhu

1 comment:

DJJ5141 said...

haritu saya dah buat dah entri pasal implantation dip gak... tp thanx kat akak sebab buat penerangan lebih khusus, sbb saya cuma luahan perasaan yg perasan je, hehe.. tapi, tup2 implantation dip yg disangkakan, rupa2nya fertilityfriend detect saya punya garisan O yg baru..malas nak berharap dah.. sebab tak berML sgt lepas dah sangka O yg sebelum ni.. baik kak reen buat BBT Chart sampai abih cycle kak... tak disangka-sangka body kite ni berubah2.. hehe


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